10-1.01 The regulations set forth in this section, or set forth elsewhere in these regulations, when referred to in this section, are the regulations in the Adult Entertainment Use District (AE). The Adult Entertainment Use District (AE) is intended to regulate the location of adult entertainment establishments, as defined in these regulations, by specifying those underlying districts in which such uses may be allowed and providing for special requirements to separate these uses from each other and from certain other uses. Nothing in these regulations shall be interpreted to permit adult entertainment establishments in areas other than allowed in this district.

The intent of this district is to provide for the confinement of adult entertainment establishments to those areas in which the impact of these land uses are judged to be least disruptive to the use and enjoyment of adjacent properties. Adult entertainment uses shall not be permitted to locate in such concentration that their operational features may establish the dominant character of any commercial or industrial area.

10-2.01 In an Adult Entertainment Use District (AE), no building, land or premises shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided for in these regulations, except for the following uses:

1.    Adult entertainment establishment;

2.    Adult book store;

3.    Adult motion picture theater;

4.    Adult mini-motion picture theater.

10-3.01 The following standards shall apply to this district.

1.    Adult entertainment establishments, adult book stores, adult motion picture theaters or adult mini-motion picture theaters may not be located within 500 feet of any residential district with an “R” in its designation CR, RL, RM RMH, RE or RH).

2.    No adult entertainment establishment, adult book store, adult motion picture theater or adult mini-motion picture theater shall be allowed to locate or expand within 1,000 feet of any other similar u se.

3.    No adult entertainment establishment, adult book store, adult motion picture theater or adult mini-motion picture theater shall be allowed to locate or expand within 500 feet of any school, religious institution or public park within the City.

4.    The distance between any two adult entertainment establishments, adult book stores, adult motion picture theaters or adult mini-motion picture theaters shall be measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest exterior structure wall of each business.

5.    The distance between any adult entertainment establishment, adult book store, adult motion picture theater or adult mini-motion picture theater and any religious institution, school, public park or any property zoned for residential use shall be measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest exterior structural wall of the adult entertainment establishment, adult book store, adult motion picture theater or adult mini-motion picture theater to the closest property line of the religious institution, school, public park or the property zoned for residential use.

6.    No adult entertainment establishment, adult book store, adult motion picture theater or adult mini-motion picture theater shall be conducted in any manner that permits the observation of any material depicting, describing or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas,” as defined by these regulations, by display decoration, sign, show window or other opening from any exterior source.

10-4.01 The off-street parking and loading standards within the Adult Entertainment Use (AE) shall be those of the General Commercial (GC) Zoning District.

10-5.01 The height, area and yard regulations within the Adult Entertainment Use District (AE) shall be those of the General Commercial (GC) Zoning District.