9-1.01 The regulations set forth in this section, or set forth elsewhere in these regulations, when referred to in this section, are the regulations in the General Commercial District (GC). This commercial district is intended to provide a location for miscellaneous retail, wholesale and businesses serving the consumer public, business and agriculture.

9-2.01 Ina General Commercial District, no building, land or premises shall be used and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided for in these zoning regulations, except for the following uses:

1.    Any store or shop for retail trade or for rendering personal, professional or business services, with the exception of adult entertainment. Any such store or shop must not produce more noise, odor, dust, vibration, blast or traffic than specifically permitted by these regulations and City policy.

2.    Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above uses, provided there shall be no manufacture, processing or compounding of products other than such are customarily incidental and essential to such permitted use. Accessory buildings and uses shall be constructed in a style and manner similar and sympathetic to a principal building or use.

3.    If such land placed in this district is adjacent to a zoning district with an R (R, RL, RM, RMH, RE AND RH) in the title in which a single household home is permitted, no article or material stored or offered for sale in connection with uses permitted above shall be stored or displayed outside the confines of a building unless it is so screened by permanent ornamental walls, fences or planting that it cannot be seen from adjoining streets or lots when viewed by a person standing on ground level.

4.    No screening in excess of six feet in height shall be required.

5.    Automobile sales and automobile service stations engaged in the sale of gasoline and oil, may permit open display of merchandise commonly sold by automobile service stations, i.e., oil, batteries, tires, wiper blades, etc. No permanent open display will be permitted on sidewalks or public rights-of-way. A temporary display during normal business hours will be permitted upon proof of adequate insurance presented to the Zoning Administrator. Such display will be adequately screened from adjacent residential property.

9-3.01 One off street parking space shall be provided for each 250 square feet of floor area.

9-4.01 Height. Buildings or structures shall not exceed 45 feet or three stories in height.

9-4.02 Front yard. The depth of the front yard shall be at least 20 feet on all sides abutting a street.

9-1.03 Side yard. The depth of the side yard shall be at least ten feet.

9-4.04 Rear yard. The depth of the rear yard shall be at least ten feet.

9-4.05 Lot dimensions. The minimum width of a lot shall be 50 feet. The minimum depth of a lot shall be 140 feet.

9-4.06 Lot size. The minimum lot size shall be 6,000 square feet.