11-1.01 The regulations set forth in this section, or set forth elsewhere in these regulations, when referred to in this section, are the regulations in the Industrial District (I). The Industrial District is intended primarily for production, processing and assembly plants that are operated so that they create limited environmental problems in the way of sounds, smoke, vibrations, noise, odor, dust and glare of such operations are completely confined within an enclosed building. The Industrial District is also intended for the development of office/warehouse uses. This district is established for light industrial uses which do not require large amounts of land; generate modest amounts of traffic; are consistent with the capacity and availability of public and private services; and do not permit the intermixing of residential uses.

11-2.01 In the Industrial District no building, land or premises shall be used and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided for in these regulations, except for the following uses:

1.    Manufacturing, processing, fabrication or assembling of commodities including activity requiring railroad siding or frequent pick up and delivery by motor truck except junk or salvage.

2.    Warehousing, wholesaling and storage of any commodity not otherwise hazardous or toxic including all types of merchandise requiring railroad siding or frequent pick up and delivery by motor truck, except junk or salvage.

3.    Freight, truck and rail terminals.

4.    Offices, office/warehouses and laboratories.

5.    Agricultural and oil equipment sales, repairs and storage.

6.    Agricultural feed, grain and fertilizer mixing, storage and sales; but not including gaseous fertilizers.

7.    Bottling works.

8.    Building materials; lumberyards; recreation vehicles; boats; and manufactured housing; production, sales, storage and repairs.

9.    Carpenter, cabinet, plumbing or sheet metal shops.

10.  Dry cleaning and/or laundry plants.

11.  Food production, distribution and storage.

12.  Frozen food lockers and storage plants.

13.  Light manufacturing operations.

14.  Machinery and equipment sales, repairs and storage lots.

15.  Metal fabrication, assembly and welding shops.

16.  Monument sales.

17.  Printing and publishing firms.

18.  Sign manufacturing and maintenance.

19.  Transportation vehicle storage such as trucks and buses.

20.  Upholstery shops.

21.  Utility uses as follows: Electric and telephone substations, gas regulator stations, pumping stations, water towers and standpipes and utility service areas and related storage.

11-3.01 The following standards shall apply to this district:

l.     All operations shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building.

2.    The use cannot be noxious or offensive by reason of vibration or noise beyond the confines of any building or emission of dust, fumes, gas, odor or smoke. The use cannot emit toxic material.

11-4.01 Each structure used for light manufacturing or industrial purposes shall provide two off-street parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet of floor area, plus an additional space to be determined by the Planning Commission for non-employee parking, storage of trucks or other vehicles used in connection with such industry.

11-4.02 Administrative offices associated with another permitted use shall provide 2 ½ off-street parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet of floor area.

11-4.03 Offices, office/warehouses and laboratories shall provide four off-street parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet of floor area.

11-5.01 Height. Buildings or structures shall not exceed 45 feet, exclusive of grain elevators.

11-5.02 Front yard. The depth of the front yard shall be at least 25 feet.

11-5.03 Side yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of a building; no side yard shall be less than ten feet.

11-5.04 Rear yard. None, unless this district abuts a residential district and then the depth of the rear yard shall be at least 25 feet.

11-5.05 Maximum lot coverage. 70 percent.

11-5.06 Lot size requirements.

l.     Minimum lot area: 5,000 square feet.

2.    Minimum lot width: 50 feet.

3.    Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.