18-1.01 The purpose of this section is to protect, preserve, and promote the beauty, safety, and general welfare of the City by establishing certain minimum standards and procedures for the erection of signs in various zoning districts.

18-2.01 Permit Required: Unless other provided in these regulations, no new, permanent or temporary sign shall hereafter be hung, erected, attached or supported on a building or structural support, and no existing sign shall be altered, rebuilt, extended, replaced or relocated until a permit has been issued by the Zoning Administrator. All signs legally existing at the time of passage of these regulations may remain in use including those in the status of legal nonconforming sign.

18-2.02 Application for Permit: Applicants for sign permits shall submit an application form (furnished by the Zoning Administrator), appropriately filled out. Said application shall include, or have attached, the following information:

1.    The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant.

2.    The location of the building, structure or lot where the sign is to be located.

3.    Position of the sign(s) in relation to nearby buildings and structures.

4.    Two sets of prints showing the plans and specifications of the proposed sign and sign structure along with the method of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground.

5.    The name of the person, firm, corporation or association erecting the sign.

6.    Written consent of the owner of the building, structure or land to which or on which the sign is to be erected.

7.    Additional information as the Zoning Administrator shall require showing full compliance with this and all other applicable laws and regulations of the City.

8.    A sign permit fee. Said fees shall be set by the Governing Body.

18-2.03 Issuance of Permit: If, in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, the application meets the requirements of this section, a sign permit shall be issued. If the work authorized by such permit is not started within 120 clays from the date of its issuance, such permit shall become null and void.

18-2.04 Permit Revocation: If the Zoning Administrator or designate shall find that any sign subject to these regulations is unsafe or insecure, is a menace to the public, has been constructed or erected or is being maintained in violation of the provisions of these regulations, written notice shall be given to the person or entity in possession and control of the premises on which the sign is located, specifying the problem. If such person fails to remove or alter the sign so as to comply with the provisions of these regulations within 30 days of such notice, the Zoning Administrator may cause such sign to be removed or altered to comply with these regulations at the expense of the permittee or owner of the property on which said sign is located. If, in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, a sign is an immediate hazard to the public health, safety, or welfare, the Zoning Administrator may cause the sign to be removed immediately and without notice.

18-3.01 Gross Surface Area of Sign. The entire area within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of such sign and in no case passing through or between any adjacent elements of same. Such perimeter shall not include any structural elements lying outside the limits of such sign and which do not form an integral part of the display. If both sides of a structure are utilized for sign purposes, the area shall be calculated for only the larger of the two sides. When two or more signs are located on a zoning lot, the gross surface area of all signs on the lot shall not exceed the maximum gross surface per street frontage set by the applicable district regulations, except as is provided by section 18-3.02.

18-3.02 Corner and Through Lots. On corner and through lots, each lot line that abuts a street or highway shall be considered a separate street frontage. On corner and through lots restrictions that are phased in terms of “signs per zoning lot” shall be deemed to permit the allowable number of signs facing each street or highway that abuts the lot.

18-3.03 Height of Signs. The maximum height of signs shall be measured from ground level at the base of or below the sign to the highest element of the sign and shall be determined for purposes of Section 21-1 et seq. as independent from the maximum structure height for zoning districts.

18-3.04 Building and Electrical Codes. Applicable All signs must conform to the structural design standards of any applicable building code. Wiring of all electrical signs must conform to any applicable electrical code.

18-3.05 Illuminated Signs. Signs shall be shaded wherever necessary to avoid casting bright light upon property located in any residential district or upon any public street or park. Any brightly illuminated sign located on a lot adjacent to or across the street from any residential district, which sign is visible from such residential district, shall not be illuminated between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

18-3.06.Flashing or Moving Signs. No flashing signs, rotating or moving signs, animated signs, signs with moving lights or signs which create the illusion of movement shall be permitted in any residential district.

18-3.07 Metal Signs. Signs constructed of metal and illuminated by any means requiring internal wiring or electrically wired accessory fixtures attached to a metal sign shall maintain a free clearance to grade of nine feet. Accessory lighting fixtures attached to a non-metal frame sign shall maintain a clearance of nine feet to ground.

18-3.08 Access Way or Window. No sign shall block any access way or window required by any applicable building, housing, fire or other codes or regulations.

18-3.09 Signs on Trees or Utility Poles. No sign shall be attached to a tree or utility pole whether on public or private property.

18-3.10 Traffic Safety.

1.    No sign shall be maintained at any location where by reason of its position, size, shape or color, it may obstruct, impair, obscure, interfere with the view of, or be confused with, any traffic control sign, signal or device, or where it may interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic.

2.    No sign shall be located in any vision triangle as defined in these regulations, except official traffic signs or other signs mounted eight feet or more above the ground whose supports, not exceeding two, do not exceed 12 inches at the widest dimension and thus do not constitute an obstruction.

18-3.11 Location. No sign shall be permitted to project over a public right-of-way or public easement, except with the approval of the Planning Commission as a conditional use, or as a permitted use in a commercial district when the lowest part of such sign is at least seven feet above a public sidewalk area.

18-3.12 Temporary Signs. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these regulations and, in particular, Section 18-1 et seq., the following provisions apply to the use of temporary signs:

1.    A temporary sign is defined as a portable and non-permanent on-site sign designed in such a manner as to be readily movable and not permanently attached to the premises, such as A-frames, trailer signs, signs placed on vehicles, beacon lights and other similar signs. Any such sign shall not exceed a height of ten feet above grade level nor 60 square feet in gross surface area.

2.    All the general standards of Section 19-3 are applicable to temporary signs, except that in Section 19-:3.11 such signs may project over or be located on public easements, but not the public street right-of-way.

3.    Whereas temporary signs are not required to setback any minimum distance from lot lines in any zoning district, the Zoning Administrator shall, in his discretion, strictly enforce the traffic safety provisions of Section 18-3.10.1, especially at corner intersections and the driveway entrances and exits.

4.    In all zoning districts one temporary sign per lot is permitted for 60 days within any one calendar year.

5.    Any unauthorized temporary sign placed on public property, including the public street right-of-way, is declared to be a public nuisance and be the cause of its removal and impoundment without notice. If not redeemed within 30 days by the owner paying a service charge of $20.00, the City may dispose of the sign in any manner deemed appropriate.

18-4.01 The following signs shall be exempt from the requirements of this Section:

1.    Signs of a duly constitute governmental body, including traffic or similar regulatory devices, legal notices, warnings at railroad crossings and other instructional or regulatory signs having to do with health, hazards, parking, swimming, dumping, etc.

2.    Flags or emblems of a government or of a political, civic, philanthropic, educational or religious organization, displayed on private property.

3.    Garage sale signs, not exceeding four square feet in area, and tablets and memorial signs that are all displayed on private property.

4.    Small signs, not exceeding five square feet in area, displayed on private property for the convenience of the public, including signs to identify entrance and exit drives, parking area, one-way drives, rest rooms, freight entrances and the like.

5.    Address numerals and other signs required to be maintained by other laws, rules and regulations; provided, however, that the content and size of the sign do not exceed such requirements.

6.    Scoreboards in athletic fields or stadiums.

7.    Political campaign signs that are displayed on private property provided they are removed 48 hours after any general election.

18-4.02 The following signs are exempt from the sign permit requirements of Section 18-1 et seq., but shall comply with all of the other regulations imposed by this Article:

1.    Nameplate signs not exceeding two square feet in gross surface area accessory to a residential dwelling or mobile home.

2.    Identification signs not exceeding 40 square feet in gross surface area accessory to a multiple-household dwelling.

3.    Bulletin board signs not exceeding 40 square feet in gross surface area accessory to a church, school or public or non-profit institution.

4.    Real estate signs not exceeding six square feet in gross surface area and which pertain to the sale or lease of the lot or tract or structure on which the sign is located.

5.    Business sig11s when located on property used for agricultural purposes and pertaining to the sale of agricultural products produced on the premises.

6.    Temporary signs which do not exceed 20 square feet in gross surface area.

7.    Signs that advocate opinions of the property owner.

18-5.01 Rural District (R).

1.    Functional Types Permitted:

(a)   Advertising signs.

(b)   Bulletin board signs.

(c)   Business signs, pertaining to agricultural products produced on the premises, home occupations, and other businesses.

(d)   Construction signs.

(e)   Identification signs.

(f)   Nameplate signs.

(g)   Real estate signs.

2.    Structural Types Permitted:

(a)   Ground signs.

(b)   Pole signs.

3.    Number of Signs Permitted: One of each functional type per zoning lot.

4.    Maximum Gross Surface Area:

(a) Advertising signs:

No maximum.

(b) Bulletin board signs:

40 square feet.

(c) Business signs:

Home occupations, 4 square feet or the minimum required by state law, agricultural, 20 square feet; and other businesses, 100 square feet.

(d) Construction signs:

20 square feet

(e) Identification signs:

15 square feet.

(d) Nameplate signs:

2 square feet.

(g) Real estate signs:

12 square feet.

5.    Maximum Height: 15 feet.

6.    Required Setback: None.

7.    Illumination: No sign shall be illuminated except that advertising and bulletin board signs may be indirectly illuminated with incandescent or fluorescent light and business signs may be illuminated only during business hours.

18-5.02 Low-Density (RL), Medium-Density (RM), Manufactured Homes (RMH), Elderly Housing Overlay (RE) Residential Districts and High-Density Residential Overlay (RH)

l.     Functional Types Permitted:

(a)   Bulletin board signs.

(b)   Business signs, pertaining to a home occupation.

(c)   Construction signs.

(d)   Identification signs.

(e)   Nameplate signs.

(f)   Real estate signs.

2.    Structural Types Permitted:

(a)   Ground signs.

(b)   Pole signs.

(c)   Wall signs.

(d)   Business signs pertaining to a home occupation shall be affixed flush to the wall of a building.

3.    Number of Signs Permitted: One per zoning lot.

4.    Maximum Gross Surface Area:

(a)   Bulletin board and identification signs: 16 square feet

(b)   Construction signs: 40 square feet.

(c)   Nameplate signs: Two square feet.

(d)   Real estate signs: Six square feet per lot, provided that one sign not more than 100 square feet in area announcing the sale of lots and/or house in a subdivision may be located on such development. Such sign shall be removed when 75 percent of the lots in the subdivision have been sold.

(e)   Business signs pertaining to a home occupation: Four square feet or the minimum required by any state law.

(f)   Any other sign: Four square feet.

5.    Maximum Height: 15 feet, provided that signs associated with one and two-household dwellings and manufactured homes shall not be located at a height greater than eight feet above ground floor elevation.

6.    Required Setback: Ten feet from the front line, except real estate signs, and none required in the side yard setback.

7.    Illumination: No sign shall be illuminated except that bulletin board signs may be indirectly illuminated with incandescent or fluorescent light.

18-5.03 Non-Retail Commercial District (CO), General Commercial District (GC) and Adult Entertainment District (AE).

1.    Functional Types Permitted: Any type listed in the definitions of these regulations.

2.    Structural Types Permitted: Any type listed in the definitions of these regulations.

3.    Number of Signs Permitted:

(a)   Ground and pole signs: One per zoning lot.

(b)   Other structural types permitted: No limitation.

4.    Maximum Gross Surface Area: Three square feet of sign area for each one foot of lineal street frontage, provided that no single sign shall exceed a gross surface area of 300 square feet.

5.    Maximum Height: 35 feet, except that roof signs may extend to a height of five feet above the highest point of the roof and automobile and truck service stations may extend to 45 feet.

6.    Required Setback: No minimum required.

7.    Illumination: Illuminated signs shall be permitted.

18-5.04 Industrial (I) District.

1.    Functional Types Permitted: Any types listed in the definitions of these regulations.

2.    Structural Types Permitted: Any types listed in the definitions of these regulations.

3.    Number of Signs Permitted: No limitation.

4.    Maximum Gross Surface Area: Four square feet of sign area for each one foot of lineal street frontage, provided no single sign shall exceed a gross surface area of 400 square feet.

5.    Maximum Height: 35 feet, except that wall signs may extend to the height of the building and roof signs may extend to the height of ten feet above the highest point of the roof.

6.    Required Setback: No minimum required.

7.    Illumination: Illuminated signs shall be permitted.

18-6.01 Every sign in existence at the time these regulations become effective may continue in existence subject to the following:

1. It shall not be altered structurally or moved unless it is made to comply with the provisions of these regulations. However, the changing of the movable parts of an existing sign that is designed for such changes, or the repainting or reposting of display matter shall not be deemed a structural alteration.

2. The lawful use of a sign existing on the effective date of these regulations, although such sign does not conform to the provisions hereof, may continue; but if such nonconforming use is discontinued for a period of six months, any future use of such sign shall be in conformity with the provisions of these regulations.

3. No sign that has been damaged by fire, wind, explosion, or other act of God to the extent that 50 percent or more of the sign is destroyed, shall be restored except in conformity with these regulations. Any sign that has been damaged to an extent less than 50 percent may be restored to its condition that existed as a nonconforming use prior to its damage.