5-1.01 The regulations set forth in this section, or set forth elsewhere in these regulations, when referred to in this section, are the regulations in the Low-Density Residential District (RL). The purpose of this district is to provide for single-household residential development together with such other uses as may be necessary or are typically compatible with residential surroundings. This district is also designed to protect and preserve existing development of a similar character.

5-2.01 In the Low-Density Residential District no building, land, or premises shall be used and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected or altered unless otherwise provided for in these zoning regulations, except for the following uses:

1.    Single-household dwellings including a manufactured home. All single-household dwellings shall have a permanent foundation.

5-.3.01 Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling u nit.

5-4.01 Height. Buildings or structures shall not exceed 35 feet and/or 2112 stories in height.

5-4.02 Front yard. The depth of the front yard shall be at least 25 feet on all sides abutting a street.

5-4.0.3 Side yard. There shall be a side yard of at least eight feet on each side of a dwelling.

All detached accessory buildings shall provide a minimum side yard of eight feet.

5-4.04 Rear yard. The depth of the rear yard shall be at least ten feet without an alley. All detached accessory structures shall provide a minimum rear yard of ten feet without an alley. If an alley abuts a rear yard, the minimum rear yard shall be at least ten feet.

5-4.05 Lot dimensions. The minimum width of a lot shall be 50 feet. The minimum depth of a lot shall be 100 feet. Lots fronting a cul-de-sac with at least 50-foot radius may have a width at the front lot line of not less than 35 feet.

5-4. 06 Lot area per household. Every single-household dwelling or residence established shall provide a minimum lot area of 7,500 square feet per household.