3-1.01 Zoning Districts. In order to regulate and restrict the location of trades, callings, industries, commercial enterprises, and the location of buildings in designated “Zoning Districts”, there are established eight zoning districts known as:

1. Rural District (R);

2.    Low-Density Residential District (RL);

3.    Medium-Density Residential District (RM);

4.    Manufactured Home Parks Residential District (RMH);

5.    Non-Retail Commercial District (CO);

6.    General Commercial District (GC);

7.    Adult Entertainment (AE);

8.    Industrial District (I).

3-1.02 Zoning District Map. The incorporated territory of Gas, Kansas shall be divided into eight districts, aforesaid, and the boundaries of such districts shall be shown upon the Zoning District Map of the Territory of Gas, Kansas, and surrounding territory in unincorporated Allen County, Kansas marked “official copy of Zoning District Map incorporated into zoning regulations by adoption of the ordinance by the Governing Body of the City of Gas on the 14th day of January, 2003” and incorporated herein by reference as authorized by K.S.A. § 12-753.

3-1.03 Overlay Zoning Districts. In addition to the aforesaid zoning districts, there shall be three “Overlay Zoning Districts” known as:

1.    Elderly Housing Overlay District (RE);

2.    High-Density Residential Development Overlay District (RH);

3.    Floodplain Overlay District (FP):

The boundaries of the Floodplain Overlay District shall include only those areas of special flood hazard as designated by the Federal Insurance Administration’s “Flood Hazard Boundary Map” for unincorporated Allen County dated September 28, 1990 which are now located within the City of Gas, and any revisions thereto.

3-1.04 Boundaries. In the event that uncertainties exist with respect to the intended boundaries of the various districts as shown on the zoning map(s), the following rules shall apply:

1.    The district boundaries are the center lines of streets or alleys, unless otherwise indicated.

2.    Where the district boundaries do not coincide with the location of streets or alleys, but do coincide with lot lines, such lot lines shall be construed to be the boundary of such district.

3.    Where the district boundaries do not coincide with the location of streets, alleys or lot lines, the district boundaries shall be determined by the use of the scale shown on the zoning map unless an exact distance is shown.

4.    When a lot held in one ownership on the effective date of these regulations is divided by a district boundary line, the entire lot shall continue to be within both districts until the Zoning Administrator notifies the property owner to declare in which zoning district the lot is located. If such declaration is not filed within 90 days after receipt of the notification, the Planning Commission may rezone any or all of the lot in accordance with these regulations.