20-1.01 Authority. No building or structure shall be constructed, erected, altered, or remodeled nor shall any such work be commenced upon any lands zoned under these regulations unless the owner, contractor or the duly authorized agent of either shall have first applied for and received from the Zoning Administrator a building permit therefore, as herein provided.

20-1.02 Conformance With Zoning Regulations. No building permit shall be issued for any building or structure unless the same be in conformity in every respect with all the provisions of these regulations unless otherwise set out. No permit for non-residential or multi-household structure shall be issued unless a conceptual plan has been submitted. If an application for rezoning is not required, such conceptual plan will be submitted using the standards contained in Section 21-1 et seq. For a lot not subject to an approved conceptual plan, no permit for a single-household structure or a two-household structure shall be issued unless a plot plan has been submitted.

20-1.03 Filing Procedure. Applications for building permits shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator upon forms prescribed, setting forth the legal description of the lot, tract or parcel of land, together with a general description of the building or structure to be constructed, erected or altered thereon, including the size and shape, square foot area, principal material of construction, location of the building or structure upon the lot, tract or parcel and the intended use. The application shall also contain a description of the use of land surrounding the applicant’s property including the location of buildings within 250 feet of the boundary of the applicant’s property. In addition, the applicant shall pay any fees required by the Governing Body.

20-1.04 A plot plan must be submitted with any application for a building permit for a single-household dwelling or a two-household dwelling. The scale of the plot plan is optional but shall not be smaller than 50 feet to one inch. The application must include two copies of a plot plan that includes:

1.    The exact size, shape, dimensions and legal description of the lot to be built upon;

2.    The exact size and location on the lot of all existing buildings and structures;

3.    The exact size and location of the building or structure proposed to be repaired, altered, erected or moved;

4.    The size, arrangement, number of parking stalls, movement of vehicles and ingress and egress drives for all off-street parking and loading facilities;

5.    The exact location of any easements on the lot;

6.    Date and north point;

7.    A declaration of the existing and intended use of each existing and proposed building or structure on the lot;

8.    The location of water supply, water distribution and sanitary sewer facilities;

9.    Any additional information relating to the proposed building or structure needed to determine compliance with these zoning regulations;

10.  Prior to issuing a building permit, the Zoning Administrator shall review the plot plan. If the property is not developed in accordance with the plot plan, the Zoning Administrator shall revoke all existing building permits. The applicant, in case of a revocation of a building permit, may appeal the Zoning Administrator’s action to the Board of Zoning Appeals as provided by Section 25-1 et seq. of these regulations.

20-1.05 Staff Administrative Evaluations. Upon delivery of the completed application and the required payments, the Zoning Administrator shall evaluate the application. After such evaluation, a building permit may be issued, provided all requirements of these regulations are met.

20-1.06 Vested Rights. No building permit lawfully issued prior to the effective date of these regulations, or of any change or amendment hereto, and which permit, by its own terms and provisions, is in full force and effect at said date, shall be invalidated by the passage of these regulations, or any such change or amendment, but shall remain a valid and subsisting permit, subject only to its own terms and provisions and in effect at the time of the issuance of said permit; provided that all such permits shall expire not later than 60 days from the effective date of these regulations, unless actual construction shall have theretofore begun and continued pursuant to the terms of said permit.

20-1.07 Number of Building Permits. There shall be a separate building permit for each building or structure to be constructed, erected or altered, except accessory buildings and appurtenances which may be included in the building permit for the principal building when construction is simultaneous.

20-1.08 Zoning Administrator’s Authority. The Zoning Administrator shall be empowered to act within the provisions of these regulations upon all applications for building permits, and the same shall be approved or denied not later than the third business day succeeding the day the complete application is received.

20-1.09 Appeals. In the event of refusal to issue a building permit upon application, as herein provided, the applicant shall have the right to a hearing by the Board of Zoning Appeals, as provided by the law. Appeals shall only be permitted after payment of filing fees as outlined below.

20-1.10 Filing Fees. Fees for zoning permits shall be set by ordinance of the Governing Body.

20-1.11 Enforcement. In addition to any other method of enforcement of these regulations, the following enforcement procedures may be invoked:

l.     A permit may be revoked and/or a “stop construction” order posted on the building or structure by the Zoning Administrator at any time prior to the completion of a building or structure for which the same was issued, when it shall appear to the Zoning Administrator that the same was procured by false representation, or that any of the provisions of these regulations are being violated. Provided, however, 24 hours written notice of such revocation shall be served upon the owner, his agent or contractor, or upon any person employed upon the building or structure for which such permit was issued, and thereafter no such construction shall proceed.

2.    Upon the failure, refusal or neglect of any owner, his agent, contractor or duly authorized representative to secure such permit as required by these regulations and pay the prescribed fee therefore, as herein provided, the Zoning Administrator shall post a “stop construction” order on any and all buildings or structures involved. Further, no construction shall proceed until and unless said owner, his agent, contractor or fully authorized representative secures such permit as required by these regulations and pays the prescribed fee therefore.

20-1.12 Building Permit Validity. For a building permit to remain valid, construction of the building must begin no later than 90 days after the issuance of the permit and the building or structure shall be completed within one year of issuance of said permit. After that period of time, the building permit issued for that construction shall be null and void.